PHOENIX-4 software

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Main advantages:

  • network processing of incoming events:
  • each event is displayed immediately at all operators’ locations;
  • it is possible to redirect events between operators according to event types and facilities;
  • event is processed in several stages to register time ateach step:
  • event received
  • event is accepted by operator on a specific computer
  • work with the object
  • rapid action team sent
  • rapid action team arrival or call cancellation
  • indication of alarm causes (as an option from the list, orthe possibility of manual entry)
  • event is handled (referred to archive)
  • integration with Asterisk ATS software
  • Integration with SMS distribution means through SMPP-protocol.
  • alarm buffer grouped by type and by object (useful in case of multiple responses);
  • alarms are displayed at all operator workplaces, indicating the stage of processing at any given time;
  • objects are created with the help of a context wizard;
  • changed approach to schedule, new opportunities to appoint work charts of protected sites;
  • creation of rapid action teams in the database, tracking alarm trips, trips to maintenance station or gas station;
  • service information, for example, event codes, minutes received from centrals, etc is hidden from the user;
  • a «Recycle Bin» for removed objects to restore information at any moment;
  • rapid action teams are monitored through a program (this feature enables to collect statistics on action teams);
  • maintenance of an electronic application log received by service engineers (control over implementation of applications, analysis of typical problems at the facilities);
  • enhanced ability to track the state of objects (list of disarmed objects etc.);
  • tracking test mode of site devices. You can specify the test interval for each individual device, and the program will monitor strictly at the specified time interval. If the device was not tested within this interval, the system generated an event on abuse testing time;
  • customizable automatic database backup to another computer (without user intervention), to a file on a local drive or a flash drive;
  • possibility of transferring the entire object, a separate group of objects, or even a separate area into temporary or permanent stand (indicating time intervals), where all incoming events, including alarms, are received without the engagement of an operator. It is very convenient for commissioning or alarm checking;
  • storage and display of driveways and object layouts, different graphic schemes of the object and alarm installation schemes;
  • support for third-party panel equipment:
  • «SurGard», «Pakt2», «Contact» (Rhythm), Virial-RFM, «Lars», «SilentKnight»;
  • program modularity: operators and database editors work in separate programs at their convenience;
  • single workspace for station operators;
  • convenient and easy search in the database according to various criteria (name, address, phone number, nameof company director, object type, etc.).

It is also necessary to mention the outstanding flexibility of system configuration. For example, it is possible to physically connect receivers to a single computer and to run operator programs on another computer, - at the same time, the database can be located on the third computer, while panel engineer (database editor) can use the fourth computer. Such configuration, in addition to easy operation, improves overall system reliability.

HASP licence to launch the software.

Operation manual - Phoenix-4 Operation Manual rev_09_en.pdf (6.47 Mb)
updated: 2020-11-12